Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Catholic Primary School

Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School

  • Our Lady of Victories
  • Clareville Street
  • London SW7 5AQ
  • 020 7373 4491
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Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School

Children's Health and Well-Being

We are proud to hold Healthy School Status at Gold level and we aim to provide children with the skills and knowledge they need to make good choices for long-term healthy lifestyles.

Healthy eating

We maintain and encourage healthy eating habits, participating in the Healthy School Standards. The document 'Food in School' details our policy for school lunches, snacks in school and breakfast club.

Mental health

We encourage children to take ownership of their own mental health and to recognise and manage their emotions through regular brain breaks and practice of relaxation techniques. 

Several staff have received training in supporting children who are experiencing difficulties affecting their emotional well being. Support is offered in school over a six-week block, which can focus on a range of issues. If you think your child would benefit from this support please speak to the SENCo, Mrs Shah. More information can be found here: ELSA information for parents

Parents and children who would like support with any issues relating to mental health and well being can make a referral to these local groups, with whom we work:

    West London Action for Children


Alternatively, please speak to Miss Browne,
the mental health lead in the school. 

Miss Browne
New for parents: Understanding your child's anxiety

                             How to talk about mental health with your child

Physical activity and well-being

We have a school 'Physical Activity and School Travel Plan' in place. We participate in the local initiatives to reduce traffic congestion by encouraging active methods of getting to and from school, led by the Junior Road Safety Officers. 

All children receive 2 hours of structured physical activity during the school week. Additional extra-curricular activities are also available.

We work closely with the Health services provided by the local commissioning group. A school nurse regularly visits to carry out health checks and is available to support parents if needed. 

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