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Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School


Our Lady of Victories

 At our school we have a special charism to Our Lady of Victories, also called Our Lady of the Rosary, which gives us our particular identity.


Mary, the mother of God, is the patron saint of the school and is represented throughout the school in beautiful icons and statues. In our prayer and liturgy we always call on Mary to bring us closer to her Son Jesus. During May and October we pray particularly to Mary for those in need, using the Rosary.

All the children and staff belong to a house. Houses are named after five Catholic saints, all individuals who were important in Mary's life or who had great devotion to her. The children regularly meet in their house groups for prayer but also for a variety of events and competitions which occur during the year.



    Saint Bernadette                     Saint Anne                     Saint Elisabeth


                       Saint John                                   Saint Joseph

Pupils learn about their saint; why they were special, how they showed their love for God and how we can learn from them and be inspired by them in our own actions. The reward system of house points, which are given for good behaviour, kindness, effort or displaying any of the school values, encourages all children to contribute to the life of the school in a positive way. The house with the most points enjoys a reward each term.